Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Columbia's Manhattanville Expansion

On November 26 the City Planning Commission voted to approve with modifications the proposed rezoning of the old Manhattanville manufacturing zone in West Harlem for academic mixed-use. This expansion plan has been a long-brewing debate with many socio-economic and political implications that are way outside the scope of this blog. From the environmental perspective, Columbia has already selected their consultant, the London-based group, atelier ten. (http://www.atelierten.com/)

From Columbia's website, "Atelier Ten will help Columbia set environmental performance goals for the proposed campus. In addition to assisting the University with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) consulting services, Atelier Ten will develop strategies for management and conservation of energy and water, as well as maintaining high air quality and reducing greenhouse gas emissions." (http://www.columbia.edu/cu/news/07/08/atelier.html)

It will be interesting to see what kind of advances can (and should!) be made in sustainable design and construction on such a high-profile stage. The spotlight will certainly be on both atelier ten and the university to use the available resources in innovative ways. More to come...

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