Saturday, November 24, 2007

Green = Sex(y)

Green is selling.

It's almost the new sex. ...Almost. (Okay. Not quite. But you get it.)

The other day I got a Barney's New York catalogue in the mail and opened its glossy pages to discover that I may now support the betterment of the environment by purchasing a $400 environmentally-friendly, 100% organic cardigan. (Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Barney's.)

So. Okay. People are lining up to get behind the idea. This is fabulous. It's the new thing! And it's a good new thing! Wouldn't it be more interesting if we actually knew the realities of what we were getting behind...?

In the weeks to come, navigate your way back to Before Green Was Gold to hear more from myself and others, both about the days before Green was a tangible movement and what's new and exciting in the field right now.

Have a story to share? Send your Green tale to Stephen and see your story published on Before Green Was Gold!


Darn said...

this is gonna rock

Brian Morse said...

I mean I don't really like the environment.